Fluoride is one of the more polarizing topics in society because of myths that blow minor negative information out of proportion. This has led to many people shunning fluoride toothpastes and protesting fluoridated water, but there's no need to go so far. Used correctly, fluoride is fantastic for your teeth.
The Basics: What Fluoride Does and Where You Find It
Fluoride is a mineral that is present in most water in very low levels. When your teeth are exposed to enough fluoride, the mineral helps rebuild worn enamel on your teeth. For this reason, companies add fluoride to most toothpastes, and cities have long added fluoride to drinking water supplies to ensure everyone gets a proper dose, even if they're terrible at brushing their teeth.
The Myths and Facts About Fluoride
Opponents of fluoridated water and toothpaste claim that fluoride, in the form used for supplementation in water, can accelerate the growth rate of cancer, prevent enzymes from working, have toxic effects on the thyroid gland and immune system, and reduce community fertility rates, among other bad effects. Other people simply don't think fluoride belongs in drinking water because fluoridated toothpaste exists.
The truth is that, when used correctly, fluoride is harmless. No studies have found it raises cancer risk or has any of the negative effects that opponents ascribe to it. And using correctly it is simple:
- Spit out toothpaste; don't swallow it.
- Don't take fluoride supplements unless prescribed by your dentist who is aware of your home water fluoridation levels.
- Use specially formulated toddler toothpastes for children under 4.
Some communities do have naturally high levels of fluoride in well water. If you live in one of these communities, let your dentist know because ingesting too much fluoride can lead to something called fluorosis, which discolors teeth and can make them brittle. Your dentist will be able to help you devise an appropriate dental health plan.
If you're looking for a reliable family dentist, contact the team at Southfield Kid's Dentist for all your pediatric dentistry needs.